Learning: The Journey of a Lifetime
or A Cloud Chamber of the Mind

September 2005 Mathematics Learning Log

An Example of a "Learning Process" Journal

Sunday September 4, 2005
Learning Log Number 7

6:15 am Lethbridge, Alberta

7:05 am

I have just finished reading the next two chapters of "Prime Obsession" (chapters 5 & 6). Sunday mornings are a particularly refreshing time. The day has the cultural connotation of a day off, of an opportunity to relax and remove oneself from the demands of work. What better way than to play with some mathematics.

I have been reading for almost an hour (I began at about 6:15) and will use this value as as the start of this session. Now to think about making some notes. I want to attend to two different matters. One is the actual mathematics, which is presented in the odd-numbered chapters and the other is the historical context, which is in the odd-numbered chapters.

I have copied a Mathematics timeline web page that I began at the beginning of the year while building another web site, and will use this from now on while developing this web site.

8:25 am I have finished editing the mathematics timeline for this web site. I have yet to begin my actual notes for the two chapters. But first we will go for a morning walk and get some much needed exercise.

Total elapsed time: 2 hr 10 min.


I have begun reading "Prime Obsession" by John Derbyshire. I hope to stay with this book until the end and then return to Michael Spivak's "Calculus".

I am about to create a schematic diagram of the content to this point.

11:45 am


Prime Obsession. Chapters 1, 3 & 5

Schematic diagram: gif image, Inspiration file

This was a genuinely enjoyable activity. It is comforting to see how the various important ideas come together to yield the Prime Number Theorem. I have yet to begin my planned notes for today!

1:00 PM

Total elapsed time: 1 hr 15 min.

Total elapsed time for the day: 3 hr 25 min