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Tuesday February 14, 2006 6:05 am Ballina NSW

A. Morning Musings

6:10 am We are expecting company later in the day. We received a phone call yesterday afternoon indicating that they had arrived safely and were now in Newcastle. They are bringing my new digital camera with them. All in all, it promises to be a fine day.

The coffee tastes good this morning. My first goal will be to work on making a few notes from my remaining paper notes. Then I will create a web site for Art (a.k.a. Art History).

B. Plan

Chores: none

Exercise: Exercise & Beach walk.

Mathematics: Continue reading "Everything and More".

Art History: Create new web site for 2006

Education: Convert some paper notes to e-form

Technology: Begin learning to use new digital camera. 6:25 am

C. Actual

6:25 am Begin making some Education notes based on some notes I made a few years ago. Done. 7:30 am

7:30 am Create Art History web site, begin notes for "Vincent by himself". 9:00 am

I am now on top of my web sites, although I still have to update many of these new sites and pages to the web server in Lethbridge. Once again, a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction, as I now have the framework for almost all my future Learning note monitoring and note making.

4:30 PM I have spend a very enjoyable couple of hours this afternoon reading "Everything and More", one of the most fascinating mathematics books I have come across. I am delighted with it - it is writing outside the box. This is a book that I have decided should be read through to the end and then reread while trying to make notes. I think it will repay me many-fold. I also think it is similar to Spivak's concern for the relationship between number and function. 4:45 PM

D. Reflection

10:00 PM Everyone has arrived safely. We had a quick late dinner and then to bed. Tomorrow we will get organized. The camera is a beaut. So far I have learned to set the clock on it. I now have the manual, have been reading it for the last hour, and will spend some time with it tomorrow morning. 10:10 PM