Monday January 30, 2006 6:15 am Ballina NSW A. Morning Musings 6:15 am Yesterday's Journal entries were almost non-existent. Hopefully today will be better. There was some rain overnight as the road is wet, but I slept through it. Now for my cup of coffee. This is a fine way to begin the day. I have decided to work on my 2006 Mathematics web site today. I am eager to get back into the pattern that I had before Christmas when this was my top priority. By getting this on track I will have all of the major web sites working for the year and should be able to focus on the content of each rather than on the technology of web design. However this will take a little more thought as there are more components to this site than my other topics. There are only two days left in January. I still have 18 items on my list of January Ideas/ToDos. I plan to go into Lismore tomorrow to get some serious high speed Internet work done. Much of that will be find web sites for the Aus Birds web site, but it will also give me an opportunity to review all of my 2006 websites online. I also want to spend some time looking at websites for digital cameras. 6:30 am B. Plan 6:30 am Exercise: Exercise & Beach walk. Mathematics: Create 2006 Mathematics web site. History: Make mind map for chapter 2 of Ideas. Literature: Reading "And On the Seventh Day." Food, Art and Drawing will not be active. 6:35 am C. Actual 6:35 am Time to dive right in with the Mathematics. Done. This has been a solid 5 hours but I have the entire site ready for testing. I am delighted that this has been taken care of and look forward to getting back to the maths. 11:30 am 1:00 PM Let's try creating the mind map for chapter 2 of Ideas. Done. 1:50 PM 2:40 PM I have been reading "And On The Seventh Day" for over an hour this afternoon. It simply flows effortlessly, like the stream it purports to describe. Only the beach walk remains of the list I started with this morning. A good way to begin the week. 2:45 PM
D. Reflection 8:30 PM A check of my email indicated that the School of Education will be off campus tomorrow on a planning day before the start of the semester. Thus I think I will postpone the trip to Lismore for at least a day. I have uploaded most of the updates to my web sites and will see how it goes. I have completed the first of the three novels ("By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept") in Paulo Coelho's trilogy novel "And On The Last Day". I have 17 items on my January list of Ideas/ToDos with 6 in some state of progress. A total of 31 items were complete this month. Given this was a "holiday" month before the semester begins in Australia, I would say this is pretty fair. My top two priorities are Mathematics (Calculus and Number Theory) and Technology (Stylus Studio). Now that I have both web sites operational, I must move these to the top of my activities. 9:10 PM |