Track Plan
Rolling Stock
Daley Train Log
Page 12
I have begun to assemble the kit for a UGG grain elevator. The kit uses a different kind of resin plastic and I had to visit the local hobby shop to see what they suggested for a glue. The kit suggested contact cement but the hobby shop doubted that would hold. I checked the two types of contact cement at the nearby hardware shop and the labels were not very encouraging so I ended up buying a new type of cement that is supposed to be good for plastic and gives me about 30 seconds to move the pieces together before it sets.
I spent an hour trimming the edges of the pieces that will form the basic body of the elevator. They are also slightly warped. The kit suggests putting such pieces in the oven with a weight over them to get them to lie flat. But I will have to be careful to not cause them to melt. I might begin with a hair dryer and see if that will work.
One hour on trimming and another hour on the visit to the hobby shop. But I think that this will assemble much more quickly as there are not a lot of pieces. But, as is often the case, it is a new learning experience.