October 4/08 Geocache Activity


Name Go for a walk in the park
ID # GC1F6Y6
Difficulty 2
Terrain 1.5
Coordinates N 49° 40.413 W 112° 52.480
Creator goodkid
Date First Hidden Aug 13/08
Date last Found Sept 27/08
Size micro
Description Small container, bring your own pencil.
Hints none


26/09/08 codarth Waiting for some friends to go swimming and thought I would take a quick look. found it pretty easy this time (when looking in the right area).
14/09/08 codarth Just took a quick look, will go back for a better look.
07/09/08 morningdrifter Took us a while because the coordinates gave us so many choices.
07/09/08 nike sens Nice hide goodkid
07/09/08 TeamDJM Finally found this. Our GPSr had us off a bit.
28/08/08 goodkid Replaced container & log book. Hope this one is waterproof, if not will relocate cache away from sprinklers.



The aerial photo of the map suggests the cache is at the end of the shale path across the road from the Nicholas Sheran school.

I will see if I can find the cache without using my GPS unit.


After a couple of quick attempts at geocaching in the last week when I failed to have adequate information with me in the field, I have decided to see if creating a form such as this would help.

My goal is to aim for one cache within walking distance from home and see if I can find it, using this form as a guide.

I have downloaded the coordinates of the site from the MyGarmin web site and placed a copy in the Geocache category of my Favorites on my nuvi 850 unit.

I left the house at 11:20 am. The weather is overcast with a very light rain, the temperature is +12 C, and there is no wind.

I have my Garmin nuvi 850, a pen, camera (battery charged) and gloves (in case it is in a spruce tree). Plus a clipboard for holding this page.


Found It.

After looking at the sign to the park and the area near the road without any success, I turned on my nuvi 850 and quickly determined that the coordinates suggested a large cottonwood tree about 5 meters NE of where I was standing. It only took a minute to find the cache. It was nicely hidden under some leaves in the crook where the main trunk branched into a number of sub-trunks.

The cache was a small plastic container, slightly larger than a film canister. It contained a log roll and a small plastic fish. SL.

I returned home and modified the format of this page to better highlight the various components of a successful search.

I logged on to the geocache web site and logged my find. This was my 20th find.