Dec 01/08
Geocache Activity 100
FIND #80


Kathy in a mini
N 49° 41.034 W 112° 53.690
  Difficulty 1; Terrain 1; size - micro. Creator: hawtway. Date First Hidden: Nov 28/08 Date Last Found: Dec 1/08.
West Lethbridge

An easy stroll close to streets. A mini green cache from Kathy. BYOP

Hint Get close to the root of it, no digging required.  
Comments Quick find.  


The wind has been howling all day, usually about 60 kph with gust of 80 kph. But the temperature was a mild +15 C. I wanted the fresh air and exercise so decided to go out for 1 cache. A check on indicated another new cache on the west side. I decided to walk over to where it was located - about a 20 minute walk.


This took much longer than I expected. The coordinates on my GPS "clearly" indicated that the cache would be between the pine tree and the small birch tree nearest it. I spent a fair amount of time focusing on the base of those two trees without success. I did try the next closest tree but I really didn't give any thought to the tree nearest me when I took the photo. There were simply almost no places to hide the cache so I finally decided to try anything that looked like it could hide a small cache. As soon as I looked inside the black plastic casing of the nearest tree I saw the tube.

the nearest tree
blue bison tube beside my purple pencil

My thanks to TeamDJM for reminding me that sometimes the coordinates of the cacher do vary from those of the searcher.