Nov 10c/08
Geocache Activity 98
FIND #78


St Mary Crossing
N 49° 35.311 W 112° 53.015
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2; size - regular. Creator: goodkid . Date First Hidden: June 9/07 Date Last Found: Nov 2/08.


Comments Relish and I drove out to the crossing, but failed to locate the cache. Looks like a lot of people have been searching, but I think the cache is gone! We searched for 30 minutes, but the tall grass was difficult to search through. Hope it isn't gone, but only our poor eyesight. Beautiful countryside. ... Another short walk and quick find.  


The weather is spectacular for this time of year - warm and sunny. I had 3 cache sites in my GPS unit. This was the third. I was expecting a challenge as some previous searchers had indicated a DNF.


This turned out to be a challenge for my GPS unit. It literally got lost as it assumed there was a road where in fact there was not, and it gave me a route that was a complete square without getting me near the proper location. Fortunately I noticed a road where the GPS unit did not have one, and once I was on it the unit "recalculated" and I was back on track. This is the first time that I have experienced this type of problem.

Once in the area, I got down on my hands and knees to look under some of the dense shrubbery and almost put my hand on the cache. It is incredibly difficult to see a black container when it is in the shade.

cache is behind grass
cache is in there
cache revealed
this was not easy
entrance to the Blood Reserve
St Mary river crossing - Blood Reserve on other side
I would like to know more about this building
looking east from St Mary river coulee
the road back up out of the coulee

The coulee was beautiful with the sun shining so brightly. I had never been on this road before. Geocaching is a great way to see the world - especially the world where one has lived for 24 years.