Nov 02f/08
Geocache Activity 94
FIND #74


"Simba's Cache"
N 49° 36.548 W 114° 03.516
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 1.5; size - regular. Creator: Frog & Polywog. Date First Hidden: Sep 15/02 Date Last Found: Oct 20/08.
North of Cowley

An interesting place to visit, a great view of a body of water, very peaceful and relaxing. This cache is placed in memory of our dog, Simba. She was a German Shephard, Black Lab, Wolf cross. We got her as a pup in 1986 and she was our friend and companion until March of this year. She was a good watch dog but was very gentle with small dogs and young children. Three years ago she suffered a stroke which left her with loss of balance and no voice. We spent many long hours with her teaching her how to walk again and also how to bark. In March we had to have her put to rest as her qualility of life had deteriated. The cache is a ammo box.

Comments This cache has eluded me a couple of times in the past. Third time lucky. Quick find after a short hike/climb.  


The weather is holding. I want to see if I can find the last "little green thing in a tree" in west Lethbridge. Then we will drive west to Cowley where I want to look for 5 geocaches and exchange a few Travel Bugs.


Our last find for the day. The hike was up and over a hill. This provided a nice view of the "lake".

another great hiding place
more coulee

Progress report: 5 searches, 5 finds. We asked the GPS to direct us to Pincher Creek. No problem.

One "problem", let's call it a weakness, with my approach to these rural caches is that although the GPS directs me to the cache, and out again, I actually have no real idea of where I am. I need to bring a map with me that will allow me to keep a sense of direction and geography.