Nov 01e/08
Geocache Activity 87
FIND #68


Rogers Cache 2
N 49° 28.649 W 112° 38.490
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 1.5; size - small. Creator: nike_sens. Date First Hidden: Aug 29/08 Date Last Found: Oct 18/08.
NE of Raymond
Description Easy terrain. You are looking for a small rubbermaid container. There is room to park within a few meters of the cache. You may see No Tresspassing Signs but there is no need for you to cross the fences at all. Owner won't have a problem with you parking here quick while you find the cache. Please replace Cache as found.
Comments "I bet it's over there by the old building and bins." Wow, we took the long way around. I loved the building and took pictures from the distance. Thank heavens CalKan has good eyes, unlike my old aging eyes that looked right at the cache but did not see it and looked else where. ... Relish was impressed by the big old buildings nearby. The cache was elusive, but with persistant, we found it. ... A well hidden cache  


The weather is glorious. I set up a sequence of 5 hunts while we were in Raymond.


3:15 PM I was surprised by my planning sheet for this cache. I had copied down both the wrong ID # as well as the wrong coordinates. This also meant that the correct site was not loaded onto my GPS unit. But I did have a sketch of the road system leading to the cache and I had the correct description, so I decided to give it a try. I walked around the area and looked for likely hiding spots. Fortunately there were not too many and I was able to find it.

I think it must be in here
cache opened
cache closed


This was the 4th of 5 caches that I hoped to find this afternoon while we were visiting Raymond. I was very lucky to find this given that I had totally botched up the planning information. I must make sure to double check every item before leaving home!