Nov 01a/08
Geocache Activity 83
FIND #64


NS West #6
N 49° 40.015 W 112° 52.302
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 1.5; size - micro. Creator: Mr. Clean and Pinkey. Date First Hidden: Mar 21/08 Date Last Found: Sep 27/08.
West Lethbridge

Take another little walk in a west side park. Little green bison tube guess where. Have fun and enjoy the place. BYOP

Comments The o-ring has been replaced on the buffalo tube  


The weather is glorious. I walked over to this site this morning.


I left the house at 11:08 and arrived at the area at 11:23. I finally spotted the green bison tube at 11:38.

another little green thing
now to fill in the log
now to place it back where I found it

I am beginning to develop a technique for these, although the technique is for after I spot it. One is to remember to put a glove on the branch so I can return the log to the proper place (!). The other is to remember to place the tightly coiled log into the cap first and then push the tube up to the cap and screw it in. Thanks to TeamDJM for this latter idea. I have finally found a use for it in the last couple of days.