Oct 31b/08
Geocache Activity 81
FIND #62


NS West
N 49° 40.221 W 112° 52.917
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 1.5; size - micro. Creator: Mr. Clean and Pinkey. Date First Hidden: Oct 24/08 Date Last Found: Sep 27/08.
West Lethbridge

I decided to go out for a walk with the dogs today so got spruced up in my caching gear and went out to check out some of the nearby parks. I didn't hang around here for long as I had a few caches to find and the dogs wanted to go. Prey you have fun finding this one.


prey as in Coaldale not pray as in go to church.

Comments Having hidden the original in Coaldale, coupled with some great coordinates, this was in about the third spot I looked. Luckily, the cache almost smacked me in the head, Very well hidden.  


Another great day for being outdoors. This was my first attempt at another cache that I had tried to find a month ago.


I left the house at 1:50 PM, and walked to the area, arriving at 2:07. On the way to the area I crossed over a bridge and noticed a muskrat swimming toward me. I found the cache at 2:20 PM. In large part it was a matter of checking and rechecking the coordinates until I was confident that I had the right tree. I kept asking myself, "what does this have to do with prey?" I kept thinking of mice or birds, but I still don't see the significance of the clue, unless it is simply to suggest that it is a tree.

muskrat in Nicholas Sheran lake
more muskrat
little green thing in a tree
little green thing out of a tree
right-most tree is right