Oct 31a/08
Geocache Activity 80
FIND #61


Green Space with a Lakie View
N 49° 40.696 W 112° 53.487
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 1.5; size - micro. Creator: 4 the Fun of It. Date First Hidden: Sep 16/07 Date Last Found: Sep 27/08.
West Lethbridge

In a green space on the West side of Lethbridge Are you craving a visit to a nice green space with a Lakie view? Well here's one! Some imagination is needed to endure yet another micro, but bring along a ball, a book, or a frisbee and enjoy the space. You can drive to within a few meters of this cache. Bring along a pencil to sign the log.

Hint It's all spruced up with the Lakie School at your back. You don't need to touch your toes or stand up on them while peering through the green of the tree closest to the road.  
Comments The o-ring has been replaced on the buffalo tube  


Another great day for being outdoors. This was my first attempt at a cache that I had tried to find a month ago.


I left the house at 1:00 PM, and walked to the area, arriving at 1:20. I found the cache within a couple of minutes.

Seems easy when you see it
the log is rolled up inside
Lakie school in the background, cache tree on left

This was a great way to begin the day. I decided to try for another, but first had to return home and change into something more suitable for grubbing around in and under trees.