Oct 29g/08
Geocache Activity 78
FIND #59


Riverside Coulee Cache
N 49° 37.684 W 112° 53.316
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2; size - regular. Creator: Trolloc. Date First Hidden: July 12/03 Date Last Found: Apr 13/08
West Lethbridge
Description Not too bad of a hike, be careful of snakes, have not seen any yet but they are out there  
Hint between two logs  

Took very long way in thru trees and along river. Quick find once in the area. Followed out truck/atv track out. Little hint - When you get down the hill take the truck track to the right- you don't go into the trees untill near the end.



The weather is staying unseasonably warm. The forecast is sunshine with a high of +21 C. Definitely a day to try for the caches in Popson Park.


I left cache #6 at 1:10, was back at the trail junction to go up to the parking area at 1:35, and continued on west staying on the coulee flood plain, arriving at cache #7 at 1:55 PM.

The truck is up there
a beaver's reach exceeds its grasp
two logs
between two logs - bark moved
Oldman river
clay river bank and outcrop
Oldman river looking upstream
the trail back

I was back at the truck at 2:30 PM. This was a full day, but one that I thoroughly enjoyed. It was great to be doing some serious hiking again. The coulees are much more interesting, and accessible, than I had realized before I began geocaching.

Total score for the day: 7 attempts, 7 finds. Scenery - priceless.