Oct 29d/08
Geocache Activity 75
FIND #56


Big Timber
N 49° 38.287 W 112° 51.428
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2; size - small. Creator: goodkid. Date First Hidden: Nov 3/07 Date Last Found: Oct 25/08
West Lethbridge
Comments My gps couldn't decide which tree it was, I went with the logical one and found it shortly thereafter. Great park and another terrific location and hide.  


The weather is staying unseasonably warm. The forecast is sunshine with a high of +21 C. Definitely a day to try for the caches in Popson Park.


I arrived at the area for cache #4 at 11:20 am and found the cache at 11:25. I noticed a few chickadees in the area, but overall I have been surprised at how few birds, or animals, or snakes I have seen so far.

I have already pulled the cache into view
cache #4
Big Timber is the tree on the right
looking downstream of the Oldman river

The river looked to have a number of excellent spots for Rocky Mountain whitefish.