Oct 28/08
Geocache Activity 71
FIND #52


Little Timber
N 49° 38.643 W 112° 51.891
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 2.5; size - small. Creator: goodkid. Date First Hidden: Nov 15/07 Date Last Found: Oct 22/08.
West Lethbridge

you will need to do a bit of bushwacking. Use caution as this is rattlesnake habitat. Use stick & poke in holes to find.

There have been 3 logged attempts since July 3, all unsuccessful.


The weather is about 15 degrees warmer than normal for this time of year. I had a look at the map for this cache and then drove to Popson Park.


My interpretation of the map was horrific. I thought the cache would be in the level grassy field near the end of the road. Big mistake. I must have walked well over a km, almost all of it uphill, before I was in the area. I then spent about 40 minutes verifying that it wasn't in the bushes (little timber) in the immediate vicinity of the coordinates. On the plus side, I was trying to find holes to poke my camera monopod into. Once I had convinced myself that the cache was not where I was looking, I started to move out into the open hillside. Very quickly I noticed a dark area almost covered over with dead grass. I pushed my pole in and heard a hollow sound. Perfect. Also no other sounds, like a hissing for example. I pulled the cache out and was surprised to find that no one had signed the log book. There was a geocoin in the cache so I took it and will try to place it somewhere useful in the very near future.

useful information
truck is by the Oldman river in center of photo
found it
geocoin PCQCFC
cache returned
view from cache - Oldman River is at the top third