Oct 24a/08
Geocache Activity 59
FIND #41


I Think I Can
N 49° 41.840 W 112° 52.373
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2; size - small. Creator: crossstitcher. Date First Hidden: Mar 26/08 Date Last Found: Aug 5/08
West Lethbridge

Easy Walk if you park on Heritage Point. Small camo-taped tupperware container.

Hints Sixty Two
Comments WOW!! This is one of the best views of the city and the river valley that we have seen!. Great view of the river valley from here. My GPSr also had me scratching slightly South, but I looked in sensible spots and came up with the cache. GPSr had us about 3 m south in the weeds. But after a well we went back to what the clue said and found. Could be a bit difficult for some people to get. 4. Turn left at University Dr W 2.7 km
5. Turn right at Heritage Blvd W 1.3 km
6. Turn left at Heritage Point W .4 km


This was the first of four caches on my list for today. It was very windy but I wanted to see how I would fare under these conditions. The good news was that it was relatively warm (+12 C).


My hat blew off as I approached the bridge but fortunately it snagged on a bush and didn't go all the way down the coulee. I had no difficulty finding the cache - the hint turned out to make it easy. I had just spotted the cache when a train went overhead. It took almost 2 minutes to pass - loud and noisy. Great if you like trains. The views of the bridge were fantastic even though it was a dull day with little light to brighten the scene.

Approaching the bridge at eye level
Directly underneath
nice location
the cache
the hint
return journey


This was a fast find. I parked the truck where it suggested, and was soon near the cache. The hint kicked in and another minute and I had it spotted. A great way to begin my search for 4: 1 found, 3 to go.