Oct 22a/08
Geocache Activity 56
FIND #38


West End
N 49° 39.299 W 112° 51.502
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 1.5; size - micro. Creator: goodkid. Date First Hidden: Aug 27/07 Date Last Found: Sept 20/08.
West Lethbridge

micro only bring a pencil

Hints Turn right at University Dr W 2.6 km
5. Turn left at 40 Ave W 0.8 km


This was the first of four caches on my list for today : GC15FCT - West End, GCW1D9 - "Lethbridge Coalminers Puzzle Cache", GC153Y1 - "Adventure in Paradise", and GC1ACYR - "NS West #6".


I liked this cache. There was a good turnoff from the road where one could park and then there were two obvious choices for the hide: a pile of rocks and a pylon for anchoring a pole. I looked at the pylon and then focused on the rocks. That didn't work so I returned to the pylon. It was a micro and well hidden at the base of the pylon.

first, get through the barbed wire
option 1
option 2
now to enjoy the view

A good start to the day. I left home at 10:00 am and had this find at 10:30 am.