Oct 19b/08
Geocache Activity 52
FIND #34


West Highlands #1
N 49° 41.584 W 112° 53.999
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2.5; size - small. Creator: skepticouple. Date First Hidden: Aug 14/08 Date Last Found: Sept 30/08.
West Lethbridge

This beautiful west side park is a newer park and a nice place to take a walk! Bring your dog and enjoy the search! This is a small key-holder cache box. FTF will find a cool little LED spot flashlight. PLEASE LOG and leave comments here, this is our first hide!! Please bring your own Pen/Pencil

Hints Red Hot Chili Peppers.  




I noticed these two caches while viewing the geocaching map of West Lethbridge. I didn't realize that there was a new park in this area. Time to see it.


This was my second effort of the day. The first cache was about 500 metres from the vacinity of this one. The park is nicely landscaped with a paved path and three fountains and a bridge over the man-made pond. This was an interesting search. I spent an hour among the rocks at the base of the bridge. Trust me - there are numerous potential hiding spots here! After an hour of looking under rocks, over rocks, between rocks, and checking and rechecking my GPS unit for coordinates, I finally admitted defeat and began the walk back to the car. This is a great spot for hiding a cache! On the way back I had another look at my Planning Sheet (i.e. this one). While reading the Description the phrase "small key-holder cache box" literally jumped out at me. After smacking my forehead and uttering the familiar phrase "Dummy!", I turned around and headed back to the bridge. I found it within 2 minutes. The key knowledge is knowing that key-holders are magnetic. Although I had looked at the girder of the bridge, I had not examined them closely to make sure that nothing was hidden where it would be difficult to see. This time I did, and there it was.


I continue to learn. Sometimes the description is the key. 1:05 PM - time to head home and log these two finds into the geocaching web site.