Oct 18a/08
Geocache Activity 48
FIND #30


London Bridge
N 49° 39.228 W 112° 52.394
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2; size - small. Creator: Crossstitcher. Date First Hidden: Apr 3/08 Date Last Found: Sept 27/08.
West Lethbridge
Description Paved path. Small camo-taped container.
Hints Is falling down.  

Since the last 3 people couldn't find this cache I decided I better go and see if it is still there. Yes, it is exactly where I hid the cache. You may have looked everywhere but you didn't "feel" everywhere! Good Luck. ... Sneaky little hide with good camouflage - TFTH and great walk in the park ... aw Canada Geese, Mallards, Northern Shovelers, American Widgens, Greater Scaup, Killdeer, and Ring-Billed Gulls.


The aerial photo of the map is out of date as the park is now finished and landscaped and the path is paved.

Driving Directions: Head south on Nevada Rd W toward Modesto Rd W 0.1 km
2. Turn left at Modesto Rd W 0.3 km
3. Turn right at Columbia Blvd W 0.4 km
4. Turn left at McMaster Blvd W 1.4 km
5. Continue on Mt. Burke Blvd W 0.5 km
6. Turn right at Rocky Mountain Blvd W 0.4 km
7. Turn left at Mt. Rundle Rd W 0.3 km


This will be my second new site search using this planning sheet. Even with the hint, this seems to give a number of people difficulty. It is only a short drive to this area on the south end of west Lethbridge. My plan is to visit 2 geocaches: GC1AWFD and GC1AWFG.


This was surprisingly easy. I wonder if someone left it where it was easy to spot.

The morning turned out to be sunny and even warm. There were lots of Canada Geese on the pond, one Ring-billed Gull, a couple of pair of Mallards, and 3 Western Meadowlarks in the grass near the pond.


The difference between my photos and the Google Earth view is striking. There are now ponds and houses instead of a construction zone.