Oct 6/08
Geocache Activity 40
(log created on October 17/08)
FIND #24


Pencil Don't Fit
N 49° 00.025 W 111° 58.137
  Difficulty 1; Terrain 1.5; size - micro. Creator: Rock Wolf. Date First Hidden: Sept 7/08

Dedicated to Papa Rock Chuck and other absent-minded cachers. One day Papa Rock Chuck was out caching with a couple of Jr. Chucks. They finally find the cache and after signing the logbook, Papa Rock Chuck went to put the pencil back in the container but it wouldn't fit. SNAP! "Now it fits," said Papa Rock Chuck as he broke the pencil. It wasn't until they were back at the truck that he started looking for the pencil he had brought with and realized why the pencil at the cache wouldn't fit back in the container! This is a microcache dedicated to all cachers that have had an absent-minded moment. It contains a logbook and a pencil that will fit.

Hints If you need a clue for this one you need more practice.  
Comments   My 1st attempt.


The main event today was a geocaching trip with two experienced searchers (Team DJM) to Coutts and the Milk River area of southern Alberta.


We found all seven of the caches that we were after. This was #4 for the day, at 10:10 am.
