Oct 6/08
Geocache Activity 38
(log created on October 17/08)
FIND #22


N 49° 21.595 W 112° 15.799
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 1; size - micro. Creator: Morningdrifter & Stitch1. Date First Hidden: Oct 19/07
Hwy 4 south

Easy drive up highway turnout. October 02/08
Not road giants at the site today so the leaky container & wet log have been replaced. All previous entries have been re-entered. BYOP
First Special Service Force. This cache is placed along Highway #4 in southern Alberta because the highway is named in recognition of the contribution made by the 2800 members of the First Special Service Force (FSSF). According to the Veteran’s Affairs Canada website: “One of the most unique combat units in Italy was the First Special Service Force, a bi-national group consisting of elite Canadian and American fighters. The Canadian component was originally the 2nd Canadian Parachute Battalion, then renamed the 1st Canadian Special Service Battalion. In June 1942, when it joined with US Army troops and became the First Special Service Force, Canadians comprised 1/4 of its strength, 47 officers and 650 other ranks. Training was arduous -- parachuting, skiing, and mountain climbing. Everything was done "at the double" and their physical conditioning was aided by calisthenics, obstacle courses, and long marches with hundred-pound packs. Each man learned how to handle explosives and to use every weapon in the Force's extensive arsenal. Hand-to-hand combat, night fighting, and use of captured weapons rounded out the training program. These specialized skills were necessary, for the Force members were to become shock troops, frequently raiding strategic positions and often parachuting behind enemy lines. Their effectiveness would earn them the nickname, "the Devil's Brigade".

Comments   My 1st attempt.


The main event today was a geocaching trip with two experienced searchers (Team DJM) to Coutts and the Milk River area of southern Alberta.


We found all seven of the caches that we were after. This was #2 for the day, at 9:15 am.
