Geocache Activity 21
(log created on October 17/08)
Find #11


N 49° 41.127 W 112° 51.614
  Difficulty 1; Terrain 1.5; size - regular. Creator: Sarah, Nicole and Véronique . Date First Hidden: July 28/05
West Lethbridge

Easily accessible by a walk in the coulees. FROG was placed by three French majors from the U of L.It can be found in the Coulees of Lethbridge. It is in a clear tupperware container with a blue lid stating its name. It contains the basic logbook and some trinkets we left behind. It would be a great first Cache to introduce someone to the game.

Hints FROG is located on the west side of the coulees just a ways off from a main path, on the way to a pond. Look for some low brush. Parking at the university would likely be the easiest.  
Comments   My 1st attempt.


I set out with the goal of finding 4 caches, three in the west side of the coulee and the fourth on the university campus.


This was my first cache of the afternoon. I left home at noon and found this one at 12:30 PM. I was grateful for very accurate coordinates on my GPS unit and had no difficulty spotting it once I oriented myself in the proper direction.

cache is at base of tree
Travel Bug WY1VP5

I took the travel bug with the intent of placing it "closer" to its goal. When I got home and inputted the ID # into the geocache web site I learned that it was originally placed in 2006 in Brandon Manitoba and was trying to get to Scotland. It clearly is having a tough time of it. All of my Scottish friends are muggles, so I am not sure I will be of much help.