Geocache Activity 20
(log created on October 16/08)
Find #10


N 49° 41.026 W 112° 52.597
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2; size - small. Creator: crossstitcher. Date First Hidden: Mar 25/08
West Lethbridge

I love walking on this trail because it is an easy walk most of the way. Parking lot just off of University Drive. !ƖȌ讀ƛ⼺眯睷朮潥档捥敫⹲潣⽭湩敤⹸桰㽰潣敤㌽挴㘰ㄵ㠶户挴㙣㈸昷㍦㥤晣敥㕡㜸♦捡楴湯挽敨正眦㵰㜴㌴ㄵㄵ㘵ㄴ渦浡㵥㐴㔶㔷㐷㌷㌶㠶挶ㄶ收㐶㈷㔶㤶㌷㔶〲搲〲㔵收㌷㔶㈷㔶〲㈴㔷收㐶㔶㌷挶㑥收㐶㔶㈷〲㠲ㄳ㤲昦㤽㔲㔹晥ㅦ挷㈵㠸㈶㔲㙢㤱㐱㜶ㅤ㤴☷慬杮慵敧䜽牥慭nDL ǶȌᴈ瞿. Container holds a logbook, pencil, and first to find prize.

I have no idea what the special characters mean.
Hints Rock solid.  
Comments   My 2nd attempt.


We were geocaching from 10 am until 1 PM. We set out with a list of 3 geocaches, all on the west side of the coulee. Two of these were caches that I had failed to find on an earlier trip.


Today, with a fair amount of perseverance, we located all three caches. Fantastic! This is also the first time that I have found 3 in one day. I now have a total of 10. This was a good morning, for many reasons. First, it got us both outside for a full 3 hours, something we have been letting slip this summer. Second, we found all three geocaches on my list, two of which were my second attempt. Third, we saw one deer, one hawk (Swainson's), a Western Tanager (a new lifer for us) and a Snow Bunting (a second new lifer for us!). Fourth, for the first time, we left something in two of the caches. We left an Ayer's Rock key chain in the Hillside cache. This seemed particularly appropriate for this cache. We took a firecracker and a broken pencil from the Hillside cache (simply because we couldn't fit everything back into it). I will sharpen the pencil and replace it shortly, assuming I can find the location again.

a pointer
the pointee
a hollow rock
view from geocache
the walk home