Geocache Activity 19
(log created on October 16/08)
Find #9


Seeking Knowledge
N 49° 40.548 W 112° 51.648
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2; size - regular. Creator: Crossstitcher. Date First Hidden: April 4/08
West Lethbridge

Easy walk. This is a Ammo Box. The first one skillful enough to find it will receive an excellent FTF Prize! Everything in the box is fantastic and has to do with learning. Please try to replace the contents with things you could find in a school.



We were geocaching from 10 am until 1 PM. We set out with a list of 3 geocaches, all on the west side of the coulee. Two of these were caches that I had failed to find on an earlier trip.


Today, with a fair amount of perseverance, we located all three caches. Fantastic! This is also the first time that I have found 3 in one day. I now have a total of 10. This was a good morning, for many reasons. First, it got us both outside for a full 3 hours, something we have been letting slip this summer. Second, we found all three geocaches on my list, two of which were my second attempt. Third, we saw one deer, one hawk (Swainson's), a Western Tanager (a new lifer for us) and a Snow Bunting (a second new lifer for us!).

second time lucky
hard to see
large collection
reading the log