Geocache Activity 15
(log created on October 16/08)
DNF - 1st attempt


Seeking Knowledge
N 49° 40.548 W 112° 51.648
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2; size - regular. Creator: Crossstitcher. Date First Hidden: April 4/08
West Lethbridge

Easy walk. This is a Ammo Box. The first one skillful enough to find it will receive an excellent FTF Prize! Everything in the box is fantastic and has to do with learning. Please try to replace the contents with things you could find in a school.



I made a note of 4 caches within walking distance from home, used the MyGarmin website to download the coordinates onto my GPS unit, and set out with pen and camera. This was the third site.


After two successes I was confident that I would find the third one, "Seeking Knowledge" (GC1AX8H), since it is a large cache stored in an ammo can. No such luck. I am sure I was close, but the shrubbery was quite dense and I was running out of time. I did see three different deer in the vicinity. That made the trip into the coulee worth while. I never tried to find the fourth cache on my list - another day.

guardian of "Seeking Knowledge"
shrubbery hiding "Seeking Knowledge"