Aug 30b/08
Geocache Activity 12
(log created on October 15/08)
Find #5


Boogity, Boogity, Boogity
N 53° 29.331 W 113° 37.586
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2.5; size - regular. Creator: Tacoma Homer. Date First Hidden: June 2/07

This cache is for all us NASCAR fans out there in geocaching land.

"Boogity, Boogity, Boogity!" as the green flag drops, it always adds a measure of excitement to the race. Go get 'em boys!

I love NASCAR so I've planted this cache in the heart of NASCAR season. But it's not strictly a NASCAR cache because I've filled the cache with all sorts of cars and other wheeled vehicles.

Hints At the base of a spruce tree.  


This was my second attempt at this site. This time I was accompanied with my daughter who acted as a lookout when I went down the gulley.


My daughter noticed a large spruce tree that was over the edge of the gulley. We found a "weak" trail to it and found the cache without difficulty.

contents of #5: GC13BVQ
my 5th cache
a very good day!

This was the first time that I have found 2 caches on the same day. It is a start.