Aug 29a/08
Geocache Activity 9
(log created on October 15/08)
DNF - 1st attempt


Lessard Road Sinkhole
N 53° 29.257 W 113° 37.693
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 2.5; size - regular. Creator: grandpaloren. Date First Hidden: June 2/07

This cache is to commemorate the sink hole on Lessard Road that recently nearly ate my Ford Explorer.

Sinkholes are caused when the soil just below the surface is dissolved or washed away by ground water. As the soil dissolves, cavities develop underground. Sinkholes are dramatic because the surface land usually stays intact for a while until the underground space just gets too big. If there is not enough support for the land above the space then a sudden collapse of the land surface can occur. These collapses can be small or they can be huge and can occur where a house or road is on top, such as happened at Lessard Road.

I was driving north along Lessard Road when I happened upon a depression in the road. That depression had been there a long time so I thought nothing about it. This time, though, the depression was deeper, which I didn't realize until after dropping down into it and then as I came up the other side my Explorer momentarily became airborne!

A short while later when I returned a city bus and a fire truck were being used to temporarily barricade either side of what by this time had become a 4 meter wide by 4 meter deep sinkhole in the middle of the road.

I consider myself very fortunate that the asphalt did not completely collapse when I drove over it!

So, here is the cache. I hope you stay long enough to enjoy the trails and spectacular views and I hope you are never swallowed by a sink hole as I nearly was.

A word of warning. This is a kid friendly cache, but if you bring your little ones please keep a close eye on them because there are some very steep drop-offs nearby and we certainly wouldn't want anyone to get hurt. Also, after a rain or in winter things could be somewhat hazardous so please exercise caution.

Hints Among some roots. (Decrypted Hints)  


I downloaded the cache into Matilda and walked over to the area.


I think I was right above it, but was reluctant to head down the gulley. I hadn't made note of the hint and had forgotten it while I was at the site. Simply getting close to the cache is just the beginning. I definitely want to try this again.

I did not log in my DNF.