Aug 27/08
Geocache Activity 8
(log created on October 15/08)
Find #3


N 49° 40.877 W 112° 47.983
  Difficulty 1; Terrain 1.5; size - other?. Creator: TeamDJM. Date First Hidden: Feb 16/08

Welcome to the Lethbridge TB Hotel. Located away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, our TB hotel is located near a park, lake, golf course and Japanese gardens. Enjoy your visit and stay as long as you like.
Please use the front entrance of the hotel, as the rear entrance is for maintenance. Your room numbers are 36, 18, and 12. Please be sure to lock your door when you leave.

ROOM SERVICE - Outside the back door of the hotel is a Room Service button. Press it and if available, the hotel management may come out to visit.

Thanks to the Cowley TB Hotel for letting us use their idea.

NOTE: Located in the back alley of a residential area

Please be sure to log your retrieving or dropping of a TB or Geocoin both on the cache log and on the web pages – Thanks

Hints 1. Turn right 3 times, stop at 1st room #
2. Turn left, one full turn past 1st number and stop at 2nd room #
3. Turn right, and stop at 3rd room #
4. Pull


My interest in geocaching is gaining momentum. I am going to try for another cache today - this time the TB Hotel in Lethbridge. It is a larger cache - I am taking a break from the micro-caches for awhile - and am looking forward to seeing how well this works with the car. I am also interested in seeing how geocaching can be combined with local histories. Another idea is to use the GPS unit to provide coordinates for cemetery plots while doing genealogical research.

I have downloaded the site, using the MyGarmin website, and have had "Matilda" plot a route from my house. The site is stored as a "Favorite" in Matilda (the name we have given our unit). This is the first time I have used my car to find a cache.


I had no difficulty finding the cache. Matilda did a fine job of giving me directions. This was much easier that looking for "micros" in trees, or under bridges.

There were 2 Travel Bugs (TBs) in the hotel. TB462212 was Grandma's Alaskan Afghan and TB33P4BX was a Deadwood Souvenir. Here is my post:

I am back from my visit to the Lethbridge TB Hotel. This morning I learned to pay attention to the garbage wheelies in the lane. My car was almost run over by the garbage truck making its rounds while I was in the hotel visiting. I found two guests in the hotel, but they were just getting up when I arrived. I managed to get them to pose for a photo but I was a bit early for a coffee.

The tall guest is from Deadwood, South Dakota and had his mouth open telling me about his journey. The other lady, trying to comfort him, was from Alaska.
