Aug 25/08
Geocache Activity 6
(log created on October 14/08)


N 49° 40.103 W 112° 52.668
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2; size - micro. Creator: Crossstitcher. Date First Hidden: May 11/08
West Lethbridge

Easy walk just look for small holes, rocks, ridges.
Film Canister. BYOP

Hints Its in the name.  


This is my only attempt for today, and my first attempt at finding this particular geocache.

I used the website to identify some geocaches near where we live. It indicated 4 sites in Nicholas Sheran park, only a short walk away.


I left the house at 1:00 PM and found the cache at 1:45 PM. I picked a very poor route to the building and had to work my way around a number of large nettles. I didn't realize that I would be bushwalking through some deep grass with lots of weeds and nettles, and since I was wearing shorts, my legs took a bit of a beating. All part of the learning curve of a novice geocacher. Once I was near the building I had a lot of difficulty with my GPS - it was really jumping around. I finally keyed in on the small hole under the cement entrance to the building but it took me a few more minutes to find a stick to poke in first. Once it seemed safe, I reached in and found the cache. The only item in the cache was a small logbook (aka sheet of paper) where one wrote the date and name of the finder. Find number 2. Great.

When I returned home I logged in the find on the geocache website.
