Aug 24c/08
Geocache Activity 5
(log created on October 14/08)
DNF - 1st attempt


NS West #4
N 49° 40.103 W 112° 52.668
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 1.5; size - micro. Creator: Mr. Clean and Pinkey. Date First Hidden: Mar 17/08 Date Last Found: Sept 27/08.
West Lethbridge
Description Take a walk in the park and enjoy the scenery. Maybe even play some frizgolf or go for a jog. Bring your own writing device.
Hints This one is in the rough about a par 3 from the looks of it.  


This is my third attempt of the day, and my first attempt at finding this particular geocache.

I used the website to identify some geocaches near where we live. It indicated 4 sites in Nicholas Sheran park, only a short walk away.


DNF. This one also overwhelmed me. There are too many large spruce trees in the area, I was not able to pinpoint which tree was the likely hiding place and there were just too many possibilities. I did find the par 3 sign but didn't see the cache near or on it. I like the hints, but so far am not good at noting their significance.

A disappointing trip. I looked for 3 caches and failed to find any of them.

I did not log this DNF on the geocache website. I am still learning the proper procedures.