Aug 24a/08
Geocache Activity 3
(log created on October 14/08)
DNF - 2nd attempt


NS West #2
N 49° 40.349 W 112° 52.813
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 1.5; size - micro. Creator: Mr. Clean and Pinkey. Date First Hidden: Oct 26/07 Date Last Found: Sept 27/08.
West Lethbridge
Description Take a walk in the park and enjoy the view. I think this lovely place could use a few more.
Hints none  
Comments This one was tough ... nice quick find ... went back and found it  


This is my first attempt of the day, and my second attempt at finding this particular geocache.

I used the website to identify some geocaches near where we live. It indicated 4 sites in Nicholas Sheran park, only a short walk away.


DNF. I did make a note of the coordinates for this cache on a sheet of paper and by using the "Where Am I?" display on my Garmin, I was able to compare my location with that of the cache. It seemed to be near the west end of the bridge.

I did not log this DNF on the geocache website. I am still learning the proper procedures.