Aug 23a/08
Geocache Activity 1
(log created on October 14/08)
DNF - 1st attempt


NS West #2
N 49° 40.349 W 112° 52.813
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 1.5; size - micro. Creator: Mr. Clean and Pinkey. Date First Hidden: Oct 26/07 Date Last Found: Sept 27/08.
West Lethbridge
Description Take a walk in the park and enjoy the view. I think this lovely place could use a few more.
Hints none  
Comments This one was tough ... nice quick find ... went back and found it  


This is my first attempt at finding a geocache.

I used the website to identify some geocaches near where we live. It indicated 4 sites in Nicholas Sheran park, only a short walk away.

I am still learning to use the Garmin nuvi 850 GPS unit that I bought earlier this month. The unit is primarily designed for automobile use, but I think I should be able to use it for geocaching as well.

Downloading the site from the web site to the Garmin turned out to be very easy (using the MyGarmin website). A good start.


DNF. Using the map on the Garmin I had no difficulty walking to the site, which seemed to be on one of the bridges to the island on the lake. But I was not able to find the cache, which is described as being a micro.

The description also says, "Take a walk in the park and enjoy the view. I think this lovely place could use a few more." I hadn't paid attention to this description and focused my attention on a willow tree that was a few feet from a park bench. I will try again tomorrow and this time I will have a close look at the park bench.

In the future I must remember to take my camera with me.

I did not log this DNF on the geocache website. I am still learning the proper procedures.