Birding Notes March 2007
The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber of the Mind
Journal Index

Birding 14

March 10

Birding Notes

1:30 PM I went for a morning walk in the coulee this morning and am trying out my "note making" format to provide a log of the trip from the perspective of a bird watcher.

I forced myself to go for a morning walk in the coulee, even though the wind was up. This would both give me a semi-strenuous walk as well as an opportunity to see if there were any birds appearing. There was quite a racket from the spruce trees in Lafayette park (I assume they were sparrows) on the way to the coulee. I took a number of photos, primarily of the coulee as there was almost no bird activity. I did see a couple of magpies, four Canada geese flying up the river, and a few nds (non-descript) sparrow-like birds. That was the extent of the bird life. There was no sign of any blackbirds (either Red-wing or Yellow-headed) in the cat tails near the university. There were more people than birds on the trail - joggers as well as walkers, and one mountain biker. The wind was quite strong from the west but the sun was shining, the sky was a bright blue, and the temperature was about +8 C, so it was a fine time to be out. The ice was off the Oldman river and the water relatively clear as the spring runnoff has yet to begin. I managed to work up a sweat coming back up the coulee which should help me with my fitness. I must make these coulee jaunts a regular part of my routine.

Start of the trail into the coulee. (15 min walk from home)
Weir on the Oldman river.
Trail along the bottom of the coulee.
Black-billed Magpie
Trail heading up out of the coulee.
Looking down on another trail.
Grassland at top of coulee.
Clay-colored Sparrow
University wind gauges.
Cassin's Finch near O'Donnell's house.

Here is a table summarizing my observations so far.

2007 #
Clay-colored Sparrow
March 8
Ring-necked Pheasant
March 9
Cassin's Finch
March 10
West Lethbridge

SUMMARY of the session: I took photos of three birds: Black-billed Magpie (very common), Clay-colored Sparrow & Cassin's Finch. From a birding perspective this is a low count. But from an enjoyment perspective it was a success. The coulee literally sparkled in the sunshine and I obtained a good look at the vegetation with the snow gone but the spring budding still in the future.