Literature Notes March 2007
The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber of the Mind
Journal Index

Literature 18

March 23

Literature Notes

I finished reading another unique novel, this one by Italo Calvino that describes a man that lives his entire life from age 13 in a tree.

link to back cover

SUMMARY of the session: Another playful book, not with a lot of humor, but with a very imaginative perspective on an idea that seems outlandish at first, but which seems very natural by the end.



Literature 17

March 21

Literature Notes

I finished reading a unique farce by Umberto Eco.

link to back cover


SUMMARY of the session: This was a rolicking affair that undermines the foundation of historical events. It was very clever and witty, with a large dash of ironic humor. Great sport!



Literature 16

March 15

Literature Notes

I finished reading a collection of inter-related short stories by Alice Munro, called "Runaway".

link to back cover

SUMMARY of the session: I am a great fan of Alice Munro's short stories. These are among her best. They capture the realism of normal human interaction in a way that is rarely seen.



Literature 15

March 3

Literature Notes

I finished reading "The Cold Moon" by Jeffrey Deaver while on vacation in Mexico. Larry gave me this as an introduction to a new murder mystery author.

link to back cover

SUMMARY of the session: I thoroughly enjoyed this novel - sufficiently so that I bought two more books by the same author as soon as we returned to Lethbridge.