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Monday February 19, 2007 A Three Week Visit to the Yucatan in Mexico - Day 8

We returned to Dzilem de Bravo for a second boat trip into the nature reserve to see more birds. There was a Peregrine Falcon perched on the light beacon just as the boat pulled away from the town. The birding was great and we had a new view of an inland water passageway that was fascinating. At one point we saw a bird trying, unsuccessfully, to take a fish away from an Osprey

A. Best 10 tourist images

Waiting for our boat to come in
Leaving the dock
Dzilem de Bravo boats
Peregrine Falcon
Poling in shallow water
Lunch in Dzilem de Bravo
locals preparing for carnaval parade

B. Birdwatching

Here is the link for today's birdwatching activities.