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Saturday February 10, 2007 7:20 am Lethbridge Sunrise 7:51 Sunset 17:40 Hours of daylight: 9:49

A. Morning Musings

7:20 am It is - 19 C at the moment with a high of -9 C forecast. There is "fog depositing ice" at the moment.

Here are the news.

CBC Headline: B.C. Child Dies of Influenza

The child was between 5 and 9 years old. No further details will be provided out of respect and confidentiality for the family. Most flu deaths are by the elderly so this is unusual. The health authorities say that in a typical year about 4,000 people die due to the flu, and in a bad year six to eight thousand may die, but this year the flu season has been late to arrive. Far more startling to me than the death of the child were the figures for a typical year. I had no idea they were that high!

Canadian Headline: see above

Australian Headline: (from The Australian): Seasprite Program Headed for the Scrap Heap

There has been a decade of problems with these helicopters. The article says that the taxpayer will face loses of more than $1 billion dollars. The amount of money that countries spend on military equipment is large, although a billion dollars does not seem like a lot to me when one puts it into a 10 year expense project. This is another example where I wish I had access to some additional figures that would give me a sense of proportion - what are a few other military expenses over the same period, and what are a few other expenses such as health, education, or highways?

From rear window
South patio
Both images taken at

B. Plan

Technology Review & edit iPhoto files for 2006 1 hr

Continue reading "The Tale of the Heike"

1 hr
History Begin reading "Maya" 1 hr
Technology Read manual for cell phone  
  Make notes for chap. 4 of "Switching to the Mac"  
  Burn backup of images onto DVD  
Mathematics Make notes for "Mathematics: A Human Endeavor" ch 1  
  Read "Fearless Symmetry" chap 9: Elliptic Curves  
Model Trains Add ground cover to oil refinery diorama  
  Continue assembly of coaling tower  
  Follow tutorial for version 8 of 3rd PlanIt  
  Purchase DCC system  
History Read Watson "Ideas"  
Philosophy Read & make notes for "Breaking the Spell"  
GO Complete reading "Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go"  

The Orange Puzzle Cube: puzzle #10

Major Goals    
Learning Review week's pages each Sunday  
  Review all pages for the month at the end of each month  
Technology Review & edit iPhoto files for 2006  
  Become proficient with cell phone  
Model Trains Become proficient with 3rd PlanIt software  
  Install DCC on model train layout  
GO Learn to play GO at something better than a beginner level  
Drawing Learn to draw!! (I keep saying this, yet I have yet to put a pencil to paper).  
Mathematics Continue to play with mathematics.  
Literature Continue to read Literature  
Bird Watching Continue to engage in bird watching activities.  

C. Actual/Note

D. Reflection