Birding Notes February 2007
The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber of the Mind
Journal Index

Birding 13

February 28

Birding Notes

1:00 PM May 11 I have reviewed and labelled my iPhotos for February 28. This entry will chronicle the birdwatching activities.

The morning began with another visit to Flamingo Road. It is wonderful that it is only a few minutes drive from the unit. Early morning is great for photography. The obvious choice is to have the sun at one's back, which puts the birds in the full glow of the early sun.

However one may also obtain some pleasing images by turning around and shooting directly into the sun.

Then one can try lying on one's back and shooting directly up.

Now you know why we call this Flamingo Road. Beautiful! The Greater Flamingo was the clear star of the trip!

A lttle later in the morning on the road to Chicxulub we saw a few Black-necked Stilts.

There was no need to add a table as we didn't see any new birds this morning. But the photography was exceptional. A superb outing!

SUMMARY of the session: We did not see any new birds, but the repeaters were a joy to watch. One must learn to relax and enjoy what the day offers. This day the offering was incredible.

Our final total was 81 new Mexican birds, 68 of which were lifers. This was the most productive and enjoyable 3 weeks of birding that we have ever engaged in.

Focusing on bean counting is for the birds.