Technology Notes February 2007
The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber of the Mind
Journal Index

Technology 13

February 7

Technology Notes

2:00 PM I am now about to begin making notes for chapter 6 "Editing Your Photos" of "iPhoto 5".

Here is my concept map for chapter 6:

The remaining chapters are interesting, but I am not motivated to pursue them at the moment.

SUMMARY of the session:

3:30 PM I think I now have the basic features of iPhoto under control. The specific skills for advanced editing, slide shows and movies are best left until a specific need is identified.



Technology 12

February 6

Technology Notes

7:20 am I am now about to begin making notes for chapter 4 "Composing Brilliant Photos" of "iPhoto 5", which I read yesterday.

Here is my concept map for chapter 4 "Camera Meets Mac", using MindManager:

Here is my map for chapter 5 "The Digital Shoebox":


SUMMARY of the session:

10:10 am A very good session! While making the above notes, I also tried out the various features within iPhoto. I now feel that I have control over the organization of my photos. However I still have substantial work to get the photos for 2006 organized.



Technology 11

February 4

Technology Notes

8:05 am I am now about to begin making notes for chapter 2 "Composing Brilliant Photos" of "iPhoto 5", which I read yesterday.


Here is my concept map so far, using MindManager:

Here is my map with chapter 2 included (chapter one notes are collapsed in the display):

Here is my map with chapter 3 included:


SUMMARY of the session:

9:00 am


Technology 10

February 3

Technology Notes

6:40 am I am determined to work may way through the book "iPhoto 5 The Missing Manual" by David Pogue & Derrick Story (2005). I not only want to learn all of the features of the software, but I am hoping to learn a few new ideas about digital photography in general.


link to back cover

The book is divided into 4 main sections:

  • Part One: Digital Cameras
  • Part Two: iPhoto Basics
  • Part Three: Meet Your Public
  • Part Four: iPhoto Stunts

Although I could immediately begin by simply typing some chapter titles and then add important points, I am going to try using my MindManager software and see if that provides an added advantage.

Here is the basic map:

The chapters that look to be the most valuable are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 14. We shall see.

I have expanded the first chapter to indicate the important points.

  • Being aware of the speed of a memory card is a relatively new issue. Some peripheral devices (such as my Epson P-3000 image storage device) can only handle memory cards with a speed below 10 MB/sec. This is not discussed in the book.
  • I really should buy a second battery!!
  • I have yet to fully understand the manual controls on my camera. There is further information on this in the next chapter in the book. There is also the manual that came with the camera.
  • I have yet to try the burst mode or the movie mode.
  • I also need to see if panorama mode is a software issue or a camera issue
  • I have yet to see if I should install any additional Panasonic software on the Mac. The camera automatically downloads images to iPhoto so I haven't pursued this.

SUMMARY of the session: I am now oriented and making progress. A good start. I should have done this a year ago! 8:15 am

Here are a few images taken later in the day when I was experimenting with the settings on the digital camera:

Model train locomotive
Play area
Closeup from window