Project: Technology
The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber of the Mind
Journal Index

The following tables are intended to provide a way for me to keep track of progress in Learning about Technology. The yellow-highlighted cells indicate activities that are potentially active.

StylusStudio XML software      
Download and install StylusStudio free trial
2005.11.13 2005.11.13 Yes
Print documentation
2005.11.14 2005.11.14 Yes
Read "Updating an XML Document - Getting Started"
2005.11.15 2005.11.16 Yes
Read "Working with Stylesheets - Getting Started"
2005.11.17 2005.12.10 Yes
Download, install & pay for StylusStudio Professional Edition
2005.11.30 2005.11.30 Yes
Read "2. Updating an XML Document - Getting Started"
2005.12.08 2005.12.08 Yes
Read "3. Working With Stylesheets - Getting Started"
2005.12.10 2005.12.10 Yes
Read "4. Stylesheets That Generate HTML - Getting Started"
2005.12.11 2005.12.12 Yes
Read "5. Using the XSLT Mapper - Getting Started"
2005.12.13 2005.12.13 Yes

Read "6. Debugging Stylesheets - Getting Started"

2005.12.14 2005.12.14 Yes
Reread "3. Working With Stylesheets - Getting Started"
2006.01.12 2006.01.11 Yes
Reread "4. Stylesheets That Generate HTML - Getting Started"
Download & install new version of Stylus Studio "Build 501f"
2006.01.16 2006.01.16 Yes
Make notes for creating a complete XML data file, an XSLT stylesheet file, and a final HTML file for displaying the data
2006.01.24 2006.04.28 Yes
Download & install new version of Stylus Studio "Build 501i"
Make notes for "Chap 1 Getting Started with Stylus Studio" documentation
Create an XML file for daily Journals
Create an XML file based on birds seen since Feb 2005 (trivially easy with Filemaker Pro)
Create a few XSLT files for displaying XML bird file
Download music for Harry Belafonte and Woody Guthrie [purchased CDs]
2005.11.15 2006.01.28 Yes
Receive Harry Belefonte CD for Christmas
2005.12.25 2005.12.25 Yes
Review classical music selections
2006.01.04 2006.01 10 Yes
Copy Inya CD to laptop
2006.01.11 2006.01.12 Yes
Buy two classical music CDs: Haydn symphony #94, Beethoven symphony #9. I will not put them on the laptop as I want to conserve hard drive space. They can go on the iPod after we return to Lethbridge.
2006.01.19 2006.01.19 Yes
Purchase new iPod as park of MacBook Pro purchase
2006.06.25 2006.06.25 Yes
Transfer iTunes files to new iPod
2006.07.09 2006.07.09 Yes
Convert Time -Life LPs on folk music to CD
Dreamweaver 8      
Install Dreamweaver 8 on DELL laptop
2005.12.31 2005.12.31 Yes
Examine XML features
Install Dreamweaver 8 on MacBook Pro
2006.06.24 2006.06.24 Yes
Beginning CSS: Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design      
Read Chap 1 Introducing Cascading Style Sheets
2005.12.31 2005.12.31 Yes
Read Chap 2 Document Standards
2005.12.31 2005.12.31 Yes
Read Chap 3 The basics of CSS Anatomy and Syntax
2005.12.31 2005.12.31 Yes
Review & Purchase a Digital Camera      
Use google to find and view a few web sites
2005.02.01 2005.02.01 Yes
Visit camera store
2005.02.02 2005.02.02 Yes
View web info on Canon Powershot S2 IS
2005.02.03 2005.02.03 Yes
Discuss ideas with Allan
2004.02.03 2005.02.05 Yes
Complete purchase of camera & memory card Completed
2006.02.06 2006.02.14 Yes
Purchase tele-conversion lens and monopod
2006.05.27 2006.05.27 Yes
Fully read manual for digital camera.
Digital Photography      
Purchase small book: "Digital Photography"
2006.02.08 2006.02.08 Yes
Read & make notes about "Digital Photography"
2006.02.09 2006.02.10 Yes
Purchase "The Photoshop Elements 4 Book for Digital Photographers"
2006.02.17 2006.02.17 Yes
Purchase, download & install Photoshop Elements 4
2006.02.21 2006.02.21 Yes
Read chap. 1 "Managing photos using the organizer" [p. 1 - 48]
Purchase book "iPhoto: The Missing Manual"
2006.07.06 2006.07.06 Yes
Read & make notes for "iPhoto: The Missing Manual"
Edit iPhoto library & add keywords
CSS in 10 Minutes      
Purchse small book: CSS in 10 Minutes"
2005.12.06 2005.12.06 Yes
Read & make notes for chaps. 1 - 2
2006.04.21 2005.04.21 Yes
Read & make notes for chaps 3 - 4
MacBook Pro      
Purchase MacBook Pro
2006.06.15 2006.06.20 Yes
Purchase book "Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual"
2006.07.06 2006.07.06 Yes
Read & make notes for "Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual"
2006.07.06 2006.07.07