Project: Mathematics
The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber of the Mind
Journal Index

Mathematics Project Details for 2006 (Revised October 07, 2006)

The goal is to Learn some mathematics, it is not to read a few books from cover to cover. The books are resources to help me understand the topics.

I have identified 3 main topics: calculus, number theory and special topics. Each of these three topics requires a map to guide me through various activities. The map will provide a conceptual structure for the activities. In addition I will have a chronological table that allows me to describe each of the activities in detail. Finally, I will have a table that lists the resources I am using, both books and online.

My actual notes for each session will continue to follow the format I have been using this year for all Learning activities. Links to these notes will be added to the chronology table.

The creation of the initial mind map for each topic will depend on a quick review of the books that I have for that topic as well as a search on the web for sites on that topic. At the moment I do not have access to either my books nor the Web.

Chronological Table for the Learning of Mathematics
2006.10.06 Read "Fearless Symmetry" chap 1 Representations   2006.10.06 2006.10.06 Yes
2006.10.07 Notes for "Fearless Symmetry" chap 1 2006.10.math6 2006.10.07 2006.10.07 Yes
2006.10.08 Creation of overall strategy for monitoring progress.   2006.10.08 2006.10.08 Yes
  Creation of mind map for Learning calculus        
  Creation of mind map for Learning number theory        
  Creation of mind map for Learning special topics        
  Search web for sites on calculus        
  Notes for "Fearless Symmetry" chap 1 2006.10math7 2006.10.08 2006.10.08 Yes
  Read "Fearless Symmetry" chap 2 Groups   2006.10.08 2006.10.08 Yes
2006.10.09 Notes for "Fearless Symmetry" chap 2 Groups 2006.10math8 2006.10.08 2006.10.09 Yes
  Read "Fearless Symmetry" chap 3 Permutations   2006.10.09 2006.10.09 Yes
  Notes for "Fearless Symmetry" chap 3 2006.10math10 2006.10.09 2006.10.12 Yes
2006.10.11 Review personal maths books 2006.10math9 2006.10.11 2006.10.11 Yes
2006.10.12 Read "Fearless Symmetry" chap 4 Modular Arithmetic 2006.10math11 2006.10.12 2006.10.14 Yes
2006.10.18 Notes for "Fearless Symmetry" chap 4 2006.10math12 2006.10.18 2006.10.19 Yes
2006.10.20 Read "Fearless Symmetry" chap 5 Complex Numbers   2006.10.21 2006.10.21 Yes
2006.10.22 Notes for "Fearless Symmetry" chap 5 2006.10math13 2006.10.22 2006.10.23 Yes
2006.10.23 Read "Fearless Symmetry" chap 6 Equations and Varieties   2006.10.23 2006.10.25 Yes
  Read "The Equation that Couldn't be Solved" 2006.11math15 2006.10.23 2006.11.06 Yes
2006.10.25 Notes for "Fearless Symmetry" chap 6 Equations and Varieties 2006.10math14 2006.10.25 2006.10.25 Yes
2006.11.10 Read "Letters to a Young Mathematician"   2006.11.10 2006.11.10 Yes
2006.11.11 Notes for "Letters to a Young Mathematician" 2006.11math18 2006.11.11 2006.11.11 Yes
2006.10.26 Read & make notes for "Fearless Symmetry" chap 7 Quadratic Reciprocity 2006.11math18 2006.10.26 2006.11.11 Yes
2006.11.12 Read "Fearless Symmetry" chap 8 Galois Theory   2006.11.12    


Resources for the Learning of Mathematics
Links to Notes
  Calculus (1998) Roland Larson, Robert Hostetler & Bruce Edwards  
  Calculus (1994) Michael Spivak  
  What is Mathematics? (1996) Richard Courant & Herbert Robbins  
  Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach (1977) Morris Kline  
  The Calculus Tutoring Book (1986) Carol Ash & Robert B. Ash  
  Mathematical Navigator (2004) Heikki Ruskeepaa  
Number Theory Fundamentals of Number Theory (1977) William J. LeVeque  
  Prime Numbers (2005) David Wells
  Dr. Riemann's Zeros (2002) Karl Sabbagh  
  Prime Obsession (2003) John Derbyshire  
  Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis (2005) Dan Rockmore  
  The Music of the Primes (2003) Marcus du Sautoy  
  Numbers (1983) Graham Flegg  
  The Art of the Infinite (2003) Robert Kaplan & Ellen Kaplan  
  The Book of Numbers (1996) John H. Conway & Richard K. Guy 2006.10
  Mathematical Mysteries. The Beauty and Magic of Numbers (1996) Calvin C. Clawson  
  Wonders of Numbers (2001) Clifford A. Pickover  
Special Topics    
Symmetry & Group Theory Fearless Symmetry (2006) Avner Ash & Robert Gross 2006.10
  The Equation that Couldn't Be Solved (2005) Mario Livio 2006.11
Infinity Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity (2003) David Foster Wallace  
  To Infinity and Beyond (1987) Eli Maor  
  The Mystery of the Aleph (2000) Amir D. Aczel  
Chaos & Fractals Coincidences, Chaos, and all that Math Jazz (2005) Edward B. Burger & Michael Starbird  
  Introducing Fractal Geometry (2006) Nigel Lesmoir Gordon, Will Rood & Ralph Edney  
  Symmetry in Chaos (1992) Michael Field & Martin Golubitsky  
Special Topics Gamma - Exploring Euler's Constant (2003) Julian Havil  
  The Divine Proportion (1970) H. E. Huntley  
  Divine Proportion: Phi in Art, Nature and Science (2005) Priya Hemenway  
  The Golden Ratio (2002) Mario Livio  
  Imagining Numbers (2003) Barry Mazur  
  An Imaginary Tale: The Story of the Square Root of -1 (1998) Paul J. Nahim  
  Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea (2000) Charles Seife  
  e: The Story of a Number (1994) Eli Maor  
  The Mobius Strip (2006) Clifford Pickover  
  Math and the Mona Lisa (2004) Bulent Atalay  
  Unknown Quantity (2006) John Derbyshire  
  Meta Math! The Quest for Omega (2005) Gregory Chaitin  
  The Moment of Proof (1999) Donald C. Benson  
  Godel's Proof (2001) Ernest Nagel & John R. Newman  
Number Theory    
Special Topics