August 11, 2007
This session is based on the material in section 1.4 of Kelley's "The Humongous Book of Calculus Problems"
The section presents a series of problems involving the solution to two equations in two unknowns, three equations in three unknowns, and a system of inequalities. I am going to use Mathematica to obtain the graphical representation corresponding to some of these problems.

This is usually a two-step process. First one needs to input the expression into Mathematica. Then one needs to input the appropriate expression to obtain the graph.

Here is the first problem, # 1.28 One is supposed to solve a given system of two equations.

eqn1 = -8x + 2y == -5

-8 x + 2 y -5

eqn2 = 2x - y1

2 x - y1

Solve[{eqn1, eqn2}, {x, y}]

{{x3/4, y1/2}}

Obtaining the solution using Mathematica is easy. But there is little underlying understanding of what is happening. Let's now see the graphical situation.


p1 = ImplicitPlot[eqn1, {x, -2, 2}, PlotStyleRed, AspectRatioAutomatic] ;


p2 = ImplicitPlot[eqn2, {x, -2, 2}, PlotStyleBlue, AspectRatioAutomatic] ;


Show[{p1, p2}] ;


Two questions occur to me. One: can I create a pinwheel using a large number of lines that all pass through one point? Two: can I create a pinwheel that is centered about an arbitrary point? I will come back to this later.
Here are a few additional parameters that are useful when plotting functions:
AspectRatio -> 1, Automatic (equal scale for both axes)
PlotRange -> Automatic is equivalent to {{xmin, xmax}, Automatic}

Show[{p1, p2}, PlotRangeAutomatic] ;


Show[{p1, p2}, PlotRangeAll] ;


Show[{p1, p2}, PlotRange {-8, 8}] ;


Show[{p1, p2}, PlotRange {-3, Automatic}] ;


Show[{p1, p2}, PlotRange {-3, 3}] ;


Let's try to graph a system of inequalities.

Clear All

All Clear

eq1 = y<3


eq2 = x≥ -4

x≥ -4

eq3 = y> (2/3) x - 1

y> -1 + (2 x)/3

ineqs = {eq1, eq2, eq3}

{y<3, x≥ -4, y> -1 + (2 x)/3}


InequalityPlot[ineqs, {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10 , 10}] ;


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