

artist statement

My art practice in recent years has been characterized by my interest in sensory sensitivity and reading at the limits of signification, traversing issues of identity and sexuality, the circulation of objects of material culture and the affective dynamics of place and environment. Most recently, I have been engaging with multiple senses, exploring the ethical dimension of perceptual sensitivity and pleasure, the blending of the senses, particularly the aural, visual, touch and haptic, and the formation of a sense of self and locality through perception. While categories of gender are not unproblematic, this listening, feeling self is always a gendered self, and one might argue a racial and economic self.

I see my work as experimental and speculative; I am interested in discovering through making, in setting up novel situations and experiencing the results. The ideas within my work arise from my lived experience- the often fleeting daily encounters that defy language, have no measurable value, which I nonetheless find profoundly important. To date, my work has manifested itself in a series of cross-disciplinary projects that test materials, technologies and contexts in conjunction with my presence and then the viewer's. Often ephemeral, these projects require my presence, movement, and relationship to place to set them in motion. The most recent site-specific audio works arise out of my interest in using my own body and senses as instruments, colliding myself with the materiality of the site, and then sharing the experience.

Current projects include site-specific live audio installations, sound sculpture and architectural interventions (a new series entitled museum studies), listening walks, and audio multiples for circulation. My research includes forms of drawing, writing, listening and walking.

AM 2010