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3 Answer any two questions in this section.

Each question is worth 10 marks.

  1. Describe in detail the LCAO MO treatment of the tex2html_wrap_inline647 bond in HCl. Develop the secular equation and explain how the expansion coefficients would be obtained.
  2. Suppose that a fluorescent molecule with a singlet ground state G and a singlet excited state S is in a solution with a quencher Q. A quencher is a molecule to which excitation is efficiently transferred during collisions. The excited state is deexcited by the following processes:


    (The last step assumes that the quencher itself rapidly loses its excitation.) Let tex2html_wrap_inline651 be the quantum yield for fluorescence in the absence of the quencher and tex2html_wrap_inline653 be the quantum yield with the quencher. Derive the Stern-Volmer equation


    where tex2html_wrap_inline657 is the fluorescence lifetime in the absence of quencher.

  3. Discuss the major assumptions, strengths and weaknesses of Hückel molecular orbital theory.

Marc Roussel
Sat Apr 26 13:24:59 MDT 1997