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Assignment 10

Due: 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 2

In this assignment, we will be studying the effective potential energy curves of tex2html_wrap_inline107 in the simple LCAO approximation studied in class. You will recall that the electronic energies of the two states are given by


where tex2html_wrap_inline111 and tex2html_wrap_inline113 . These integrals can be evaluated analytically in a special coordinate system in terms of the internuclear distance R:


  1. Write Maple functions for the three above integrals and for the energies of the two states. What is the limit of tex2html_wrap_inline117 and tex2html_wrap_inline119 as tex2html_wrap_inline121 ? Relate this limit to the solution of the hydrogen atom problem.

    Maple hint: Maple will need to know that tex2html_wrap_inline123 is a positive number before you attempt to take limits.

  2. Write Maple functions for the effective potential energy


    for each of the two states. Enter values into your Maple worksheet for the constants, as follows:


    Plot both effective potential energy curves on the same set of axes. Observe that one of them is consistently lower in energy and has a minimum. This is the ground (bonding) MO. The other is the antibonding MO.

    Hints: Let's say you called your two effective potential energy curves Veffp(R) and Veffm(R). To plot them on the same axes, use the following Maple command: plot({Veffp,Veffm},0..?,??..???); where ?, ?? and ??? are replaced by suitable plotting limits. To figure out which color corresponds to which curve, evaluate the effective potential energies at a particular value of R.

  3. Calculate the value of R at which the effective potential for the bonding MO has a minimum. This is the equilibrium bond length.

    Maple hint: Use the following Maple command to solve the equation: fsolve(eq,R,?..??); where eq is your equation and ? and ?? are two values of R which bracket the minimum. (Read these off your graph.)

  4. Calculate the force constant


    From the force constant, calculate the approximate zero-point vibrational energy tex2html_wrap_inline135 . Use the following data: the mass of a hydrogen nucleus is 1.0078amu, tex2html_wrap_inline137 and tex2html_wrap_inline139 .

    Maple hints: Use subs() to substitute your equilibrium bond length into k and use evalf() to force evaluation.

  5. Calculate the dissociation energy. This is the difference between the energy in the limit tex2html_wrap_inline121 and the bottom of the potential well, corrected for zero-point energy.

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Marc Roussel
Fri Nov 27 11:50:06 MST 1998