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Chemistry 2720 assignment 1 solutions

    1. First, we decode the question. Reversible means that tex2html_wrap_inline165 . Isothermal means that the temperature is constant. The work is


      According to the van der Waals equation,




    2. To answer this question, we simply need to substitute in the values (carefully). It is essential in this kind of calculation to use SI units throughout. In this case, all of the data are given in SI units so that doesn't take a lot of thinking. Given that all of the data are in SI units, the answer will come out in SI units.


    1. displaymath171

      We also have to convert the temperatures from degrees Celsius to Kelvin because the heat capacity formula requires T in these units. tex2html_wrap_inline175 is 323K and tex2html_wrap_inline177 is 373K. I won't write down the units in the following calculation because it's highly tedious. I'm being careful to use SI units everywhere, so the answer should come out in SI units.


    2. If the heat capacity is taken to be a constant, then we simply have


      The error is negligible.

  1. Any heating or cooling which will occur is a result of the process of dissolving sodium bromide, an ionic salt which dissociates into its ions in water:


    At constant pressure, the heat is just the enthalpy change. The enthalpy change for this process is


    using data from the table in the assignment. The reaction is endothermic, i.e. it absorbs heat, so the water will drop in temperature.

    Since the reaction is taking place in an insulated (adiabatic) container, no heat is either gained or lost from the water/KBr system. Therefore


    where tex2html_wrap_inline187 is the heat of reaction ( tex2html_wrap_inline189 ) and tex2html_wrap_inline191 is the heat gained or lost by the water ( tex2html_wrap_inline193 ). Therefore




    We have most of the required data, except for


    We can now calculate the temperature change:


    Since a Kelvin is of exactly the same size as a degree Celsius, and since the initial temperature was tex2html_wrap_inline203 , the final temperature is tex2html_wrap_inline205 .

  2. Every hour, the furnace melts 100kg of lead. This is


    of lead. The lead starts out well below its melting point, at a temperature of tex2html_wrap_inline209 or 308K. The heat required to raise the lead to its melting point is therefore


    The heat required to melt the lead is


    Thus, every hour, the furnace must supply tex2html_wrap_inline215 of heat. This is a rate of power consumption of


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Marc Roussel
Fri Jan 23 13:47:09 MST 1998