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Quiz 1 Name(s):

Calculate the work done (per mole) when water is compressed isothermally (at 298K) and reversibly from 1 to 300atm of pressure. The following simplified form of the equation of state of water gives the molar volume as a function of the pressure:


where tex2html_wrap_inline38 , tex2html_wrap_inline40 and P is in Pascals (1atm = 101325Pa).

Reminder: tex2html_wrap_inline44 .

Hint 1: It's a lot easier to solve this problem if you don't try to use numerical values until the end.

Hint 2: If you work consistently in SI units (Pa, tex2html_wrap_inline46 ), the answer will come out in SI units, in this case in J/mol.

Marc Roussel
Thu Sep 17 11:02:57 MDT 1998