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Chemistry 2720, Fall 1996, Test 2

All questions are equally weighted.

Part 1

Answer all questions in this part.

  1. Calculate the vapour pressure of sodium metal at tex2html_wrap_inline139 .
  2. 0.8246g of a newly isolated protein is dissolved in 100.00mL of water. The solution has a density of 1.034g/mL and rises 1.05cm in a capillary tube osmometer at 298K. What is the molar mass of the protein?
  3. Suppose that a glucose transporter in a cell is powered by ATP hydrolysis at 310K:


    Two glucose molecules are transported into the cell for every ATP hydrolyzed. The ratio of ATP to ADP in the cell is 15 and the concentration of phosphate is 5mmol/L. (Both are held constant by homeostatic mechanisms.) If the extracellular glucose concentration is tex2html_wrap_inline143 , what is the maximum glucose concentration which can be obtained in the cell?

  4. The solubility product of lead (II) iodide is tex2html_wrap_inline145 at 298K. Use Debye-Hückel theory to calculate the solubility of this compound in water.

Part 2

Answer one of the following questions.

  1. Derive the differential of G from first principles. Use your differential to relate the derivatives to G to thermodynamic variables.
  2. Very few reactions are exactly thermoneutral. Suppose however that you are studying a reaction in which the equilibrium constant only increases by one part in 100000 (i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline151 ) when the temperature is raised from tex2html_wrap_inline153 to tex2html_wrap_inline155 . Write tex2html_wrap_inline157 as 1+x and use Taylor's theorem to find an approximation to tex2html_wrap_inline161 valid for small x. Use this result to calculate tex2html_wrap_inline165 for the reaction.
  3. Suppose that you want to make compound C by the gas-phase reaction


    but the above reaction produces a very poor yield under normal conditions. How might you try to improve the yield of C? Describe at least two different methods.

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Marc Roussel
Thu Nov 21 12:07:09 MST 1996