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Solutions to Practice Problems on Statistical Thermodynamics

  1. The entropy is given by the formula


    If we let the energy of the ground state ( tex2html_wrap_inline36 ) be 0 (which we can do since we are free to set the zero of energy anywhere we want) then


    The partition function is


    so the entropy becomes


    1. Again, let the energy of the ground state be zero. (This is not necessary but considerably simplifies the calculations.) The probability of occupation of level i is


      For the ground state, we get P(0)=1/Z while for the excited state, tex2html_wrap_inline50 because the level is nondegenerate. Let us say that the probability of occupation of level 1 is significant when the ratio tex2html_wrap_inline52 becomes greater than 0.01. (This is arbitrary and we could have picked a different value. The result would have been quantitatively different, but not qualitatively different.) Thus we want to know at what temperature


      By taking a natural logarithm of both sides of this equation and rearranging, we get tex2html_wrap_inline56 or


      This kind of calculation shows that an energy level only contributes significantly to the thermodynamic properties of a substance if its energy is comparable to kT.

    2. The partition function is


      The internal energy is therefore


      Thus the entropy is


Marc Roussel
Mon Dec 2 14:45:04 MST 1996